诺基亚N9开发版N950的首轮分配工作已经结束,获得产品的开发者名单已经在官网列出。本轮共有137台设备分配出去,下一轮的分配工作已启动,总数将达到250台。 N950是一个开发平台,开发者可以用来开发N9/MeeGo/Qt应用程序。下面是分配工作的评分系统。What we are doing is rating each proposal from 0 to 3.
- 3 are clear candidates and I’m hoping to send them a notifications with further steps as soon as we have gone through all the candidates.
- 2 are good candidates, but first we want to see how many devices are distributed among the 3s, see how many are left and then look at them again.
- 1 are candidates in the fringe e.g. with interesting proposals but more into research, low level hacking, porting other OSs/distros and, ion general, stuff that won’t fit in apps.meego.com or is not primarily addressed to regular N9 users. We don’t want to rule out these but it will really depend on the amount of devices available.
- 0 are the candidates with proposals totally out of scope or other non-qualifying criteria. We plan to draft a message with a generic reasoning in the device wiki page. If a candidate feels like those criteria have been applied wrongly to his/her proposal then he/she will have a chance to appeal. For instance, some apps proposed look like proprietary but we don’t really have the time to check each one in detail. If it happens to be OSS then we might reconsider. This message will be sent also soon,. so people have time to claim.
社区开发者可以向 Nokia 申请租用 N9 开发版本 N950 进行新开源软件或已有开源软件的移植工作,要求如下:
必须要是社区开发者,不可以是商业软件开发者,提供给合格的诺基亚的Launchpad会员或者免费租用给Pro会员。准备好进行新的开源软件开发或移植已有的开源软件(Qt开发)。开发完成后需发布到 apps.meego.com 和 Nokia Store(原Ovi Store)。需提供手头的开源项目网站以便评估
如果你符合上述条件,写邮件给nokia.developer.launchpad @ nokia.com ,咨询详情吧。
消息来源:http://www.developer.nokia.com/Devices/MeeGo 路过的帮顶